Moshe was eating in a Chinese restaurant and was chatting to his Chinese waiter. Moshe commented upon what a wise people the Chinese were. “Yes,” replied the waiter, “we’re wise because our culture is 4,000 years old. But Jewish people are also very wise, are they not?” Moshe replied, “Yes, we are. Our culture is 5,000 years old.” The waiter was surprised to hear this. “That can’t be true,” he replied, “where did your people eat for a thousand years?”
Versions of that joke have been told for years. There’s no doubt that there is an affinity between Jews and Chinese people.
In Toronto, several deli’s have been bought by the Chinese, who run them quite successfully. Chinese restaurants thrive in Jewish populated areas.
Many years ago, I met with the President of the Toronto Chinese Restaurant Assoc. I wanted to interest them in group insurance benefits for their members. We chatted for a while about the restaurant business and then I asked him what it took to be a member of the association. “Oh”, he said, “you must own Chinese restaurant”. I then asked, “but what if you’re Jewish?” Without missing a beat, he replied, “Oh, then you are honorary member”. And we both collapsed laughing.
A few years ago I joined a country club. There is a good representation from all the cultures. And, of course, many occupations are represented there also.
One day I was entering the club as an Asian member was leaving. As he came down the steps, he stumbled a bit and I heard him say, “Oy veh!”. I turned to him and smiling, I said, “When did you become Jewish?” He turned and said, laughing, “I have many Jewish clients and it’s rubbed off on me”. I went on to ask, tongue-in-cheek, if he realized that his last name, Chen, was originally Cohen. He stopped and we both chuckled at the possibility. I continued to press my point. “Why do you think us Jews like Chinese food so much? You haven’t realized you are one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. Think about it. Our culture is 5,000 years old and Chinese culture is only 4,000 years old. We know that one of the Tribes of Israel ended up in China. Look at many of the Chinese last names. Remember, Hebrew has no vowels, if you take the vowels out of Cohen you get Chn or Chen. Cohan becomes Chan and Lee was Levi.” We said, “good night” and went on our ways. I had made it all up on the spur of the moment, but it got me thinking. Look at how similar we are.
We both believe in strong family values, such as education and looking after our elders. There are many other similarities.
I pondered my conversation and I checked the internet. Here’s what I found.
Maybe I was right without realizing it.